Wednesday, November 27, 2019

English Research Paper Topics #038; Ideas

English Research Paper Topics #038; Ideas The subject of English is connected to the study of language. In particular, it concerns the practical constituent of learning, which is the use of English. However, it does not emphasize the theoretical issues as linguistics does. Thus, English is connected to other subjects and spheres of knowledge because they give the necessary topics to discuss, speculate, and research to improve the command of English. In such a way, the topics that are the concern of research in English may be connected to any subject. However, the topics will be limited by the depth of the subject learning to satisfy the goals of learning English; the research papers do not have to concern specific details of the study but remain superficial. Topics and Ideas for English Research Paper Here are some examples of topics for the English research paper: Is it Better to Live in the City or Village? In this research paper, the issue of living environment will be investigated. The issue concerns urbanization, which was a popular trend in the 20th century and remains as such nowadays. The research will concern the advantages and disadvantages of city and village concerning the environment, employment, and infrastructure. Pagan Origins of the Christmas Festival This research paper will concern the history of Christmas and its connection to pagan festivals, such as Yule, celebrated by Germanic peoples, Koliada, celebrated by Slavic peoples, and Modranicht, celebrated by Anglo-Saxon peoples. The research will concern the rituals, such as the Christmas tree, which was derived from the Yule log, symbolic items, such as mistletoe, and the timing of the holidays, which is always the date in proximity to the 20th of December.   Thus, this particular topic is a part of the broader one that is Christian assimilation of pagan cultures. What is the Best Eco-Friendly Vehicle for the Majority of the Population? This research topic will concern the issues of environment and different means of transportation. First, it would be crucial to establish the needs of the majority of the population. Second, various Eco-friendly means of transport, such as a bicycle, hybrid car, and electric car will be compared in their ability to satisfy the needs mentioned above. Finally, the means of transportation will be compared in regards to the waste they produce, as well as the upstream waste level. In What Ways Did the Trains Influence the History of the US? This research topic will concern the period of time beginning from the construction of the first railroad until modern times. Special attention will be paid to the time frames from the 18th until the 19th century when the railroads served as the number one means of transportation across the country. Moreover, since building railroads required many person-hours, such work was often executed by African-American slaves, who were constantly used as a source of cheap labor. Furthermore, trains were utilized in the Civil War, which was the bloodiest conflict on the territory of the US. Thus, this paper will concern the way railroads influenced the events from US history. Are Wars Becoming More Humane? With technological progress, the way wars are waged has changed drastically. With modern medicine, namely the invention of antibiotics, anesthesia, and advanced surgery, soldiers do not die from contaminated wounds anymore or have their limbs cut while being completely conscious. Concerning the issue of rights, fewer civilians are affected by war now owing to the Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949. Furthermore, with modern technologies, drones may scout territories. Thus, this paper will investigate the issue of war, and how it becomes more humane with modern technologies and advancements. What If the Nazi Won WWII? This research topic will study a hypothetical problem of alternate history. The purpose of the paper is to propose a plausible scenario of major historical events after World War II, in which Nazi Germany defeated the Allies. Thus, it is possible either to propose a possible scenario or to analyze the work of fiction literature that is set in such a world. Is It Possible to Build Communism? In this research essay, the doctrine of Communism will be investigated. The central aim of the topic is to find contradictions and unreachable goals in the ideology mentioned above. Thus, the purpose of the essay is to prove or disprove the possibility of establishing Communism in a state. What are the Origins of Fascism? The ideology of Fascism is often misinterpreted due to its use in the Mussolini’s totalitarian regime. Moreover, Giovanni Gentile, the philosopher who came up with the idea of fascism conceived it as a form of democracy. Thus, the concept of Fascism is always misinterpreted, and this paper will study the emergence of fascist ideas, and how they changed in time. Are Freudian Explanations of Psychic Illnesses Correct? Sigmund Freud was a founder of psychoanalysis movement in psychology. His central theories are the Oedipus complex and the idea of libido. Although the theories of Freud were refuted later, and now are considered outdated, the task of this paper is to prove their relevance at the moment of their development. What Were the Chances of Confederates to Win the Civil War? At the beginning of the Civil War, each side was reassured in its dominance over the other. The North was industrialized, it had more railroads, and it blocked the seashores with its naval forces. However, the war took place in the South where the Confederates were familiar with the territory, and the Northerners lacked their railroads. Thus, this paper will analyze the pre-war situation and estimate the chances of the South to win the Civil War. Does Professional Sports Improve Health? According to common opinion, sport always positively influences people’s health. However, some professional sports do more harm than good and may ruin a person’s health. This research will concentrate on problems that are caused by different kinds of professional sports. When Would It Be Possible to Colonize Mars? In the 20th century, the idea of Mars’ colonization was a subject of science fiction. Nowadays, with enthusiasts, such as Elon Musk, humanity develops plans and project of the colonization. Thus, this paper will investigate the issue of colonization of Mars and will predict the possible date of implementation of the project. Why Is Google Spying on Users? The users of Google often notice that the service proposes possible answers for the mail, which means that their messages are being read. Moreover, if a person searches for a certain thing on the Internet, later, Google uses this information in the personalized advertisements. Thus, there is a possibility that Google spies on its users and the goal of this paper is to prove or disprove the fact of espionage. Do Violent Video Games Cause Violence? Violent video games were always a concern for the parents and psychologists. There is a common opinion that states that violent video games cause violence in children. However, another opinion claims that a disbarred attorney, Jack Thompson, who campaigned against video games, caused notoriety of video games. Thus, this paper will analyze psychological articles on the influence of video games on people. Gun Laws American tradition to carry and use weapons is decided to be the reason for aggression and cases of school and public area shootings. To fix the problem, gun laws that restrict the use or the possibility to purchase weapon exist. Thus, this paper will investigate the expediency of laws that restrict or forbid the use or possibility to purchase guns. What Are the Most Possible Future Forms of Government? Some of the corporate giants, such as Google or Amazon, are currently richer than the countries of the third world. Hence, there is a possibility that due to their wealth, these companies will become competitive political powers in the future. Thus, this paper will investigate the possibility of corporations ruling the world in the future. Is Handwriting Necessary in the Digital Age? As typing written information becomes more popular with the more broad use of digital technologies, the necessity of handwriting decreases. However, numerous studies concern the educational and developmental benefits of handwriting. Thus, this research will investigate the necessity of handwriting in schools. What Is the Best Weapon for Citizens’ Self-defense? Due to the risen concern towards gun laws in the US, it is necessary to find the substitution for the firearms that are used as the means of self-defense. Thus, this paper will compare different means of self-defense, such as gas can, electroshock weapon, or traumatic guns. Is It Necessary to Read Fiction Literature? Reading fiction literature is always compared to entertainment, but its benefits are often omitted. However, the benefits of reading fiction are approved by numerous studies and concern the development of empathy and learning the experience of other people’s lives. Thus, this research will study the benefits of reading fiction literature. Brexit The Government of the United Kingdom has repeatedly raised the issue of leaving the European Union. The defenders of Brexit explained this option by mentioning its benefits for the country. Thus, this paper will study the benefits and the drawbacks of Brexit. Conclusion To sum up, the above examples of topics for the English research paper give the opportunity to learn new information and enrich the vocabulary without the unnecessary in-depth study of the interconnected subjects. Thus, working on a research topic in English is an interesting task, which does not require in-depth research. Moreover, the variety of topics can satisfy the interests of every student who has got such a task.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cómo puede un extranjero divorciarse en Estados Unidos

Cà ³mo puede un extranjero divorciarse en Estados Unidos  ¿Pueden  divorciarse todos los extranjeros que residen en los Estados Unidos con independencia de su estatus migratorio y sin que importe el paà ­s en el que se casaron? Para evitar problemas es conveniente conocer los puntos bsicos que se explican a continuacià ³n, asà ­ como cules son los problemas migratorios que pueden surgir por un divorcio y, por à ºltimo, quà © debe hacerse para que un divorcio en Estados Unidos tenga efectos legales en el paà ­s de origen. En el caso de desconocer dà ³nde se encuentra la persona de la que se quiere divorcia, es posible buscarlo en varias bases de datos oficiales de Estados Unidos. La importancia del estado a la hora de divorciarse en Estados Unidos En Estados Unidos, los asuntos de matrimonio y divorcio son competencia de los estados. Esto significa que las reglas pueden variar de uno a otro. Sin embargo, en todos los estados van a pedir que se cumplan al menos dos requisitos.   En primer lugar, que se pruebe la identidad de la persona que solicita el divorcio. Cada estado tiene un listado con todos los documentos que se admiten, como  la licencia de manejar, la tarjeta de residencia permanente, el pasaporte o la matrà ­cula consular. En segundo lugar, excepto en los casos de Alaska y Washington, se pide que la persona que se quiere divorciar pueda probar que reside en el estado en el que solicita el divorcio. En este punto las reglas varà ­an enormemente. Por ejemplo, en Dakota del Sur es suficiente probar que se vive en ese estado en el momento de iniciar los trmites. Pero ese es un caso excepcional, ya que la mayorà ­a de los estados piden probar residencia por 90 dà ­as, 180 dà ­as o, incluso, un aà ±o. Entre los estados que exigen residencia por ms de 352 dà ­as se encuentran Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nuevo Hampshire, Nueva Jersey, Nueva York, Rhode Island y Virginia Occidental. Algunos estados, adems, piden un mà ­nimo de tiempo de residencia en el condado en el que se presentan los papeles. Por ejemplo, en California se exigen 180 dà ­as de residencia en el estado, de los cuales 90 tienen que ser en el condado en el que se solicita el fin del matrimonio. El estado en el que una persona se divorcia es importante por varias razones. En primer lugar, porque cada estado regula las causas por las que es posible solicitarlo. En Estados Unidos dos de cada tres estados permiten lo que se conoce como no-fault divorce,  es decir, querer divorciarse es razà ³n suficiente para solicitarlo y obtenerlo. En los otros estados hay que cumplir con alguno de los requisitos que se refieren al incumplimiento del acuerdo matrimonial por alguno de los dos cà ³nyuges. En segundo lugar, los estados pueden exigir que se notifique a la otra parte el inicio del procedimiento de divorcio en lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como service of process. Se pueden admitir diferentes formas para realizar la notificacià ³n, pero en el caso de personas con un cà ³nyuge fuera de los Estados Unidos este requisito puede ser, en ocasiones, difà ­cil de cumplir, pero no por ello puede ignorarse. Y, en tercer lugar, las leyes del estado en el que se dicta el divorcio van a decidir sobre aspectos como divisià ³n de las propiedades, si las hay, custodias de hijos, y pensiones de alimentos o de sostenimiento (conocidas en inglà ©s como child support y alimony, respectivamente). Efectos migratorios del divorcio Cualquier persona que reside habitualmente en Estados Unidos puede divorciarse, cumpliendo con los requisitos del estado en el que solicita el divorcio. El procedimiento tiene lugar en la corte civil y depende del estado. Esos datos no se comunican con inmigracià ³n. Sin embargo, un divorcio sà ­Ã‚  puede tener consecuencias migratorias en tres casos: 1. En primer lugar, las personas que obtuvieron una tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio y se divorcian podrà ­an perderla, dependiendo del momento y de las circunstancias de la finalizacià ³n del và ­nculo matrimonial. Aunque la situacià ³n es ms delicada para las personas que desean divorciarse antes de levantar la condicionalidad de su green card, lo cierto es que los efectos pueden darse incluso cuando ya se tiene la tarjeta de residencia definitiva. El  problema aparece cuando se solicita la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n y ya consta el estado civil como divorciado. 2. En el caso de divorcio en el que la pareja tiene hijos en comà ºn, puede establecer una pensià ³n de mantenimiento para los menores. En el caso de incumplirse el pago de la pensià ³n de alimentos puede haber consecuencias civiles, penales y tambià ©n migratorias que pueden ir desde multas, penas de prisià ³n y anulacià ³n del pasaporte, hasta negacià ³n de beneficios migratorios como la tarjeta de residencia o la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. 3. En tercer lugar y con aplicacià ³n para todas las personas extranjeras en Estados Unidos, los casos de bigamia son causa de deportacià ³n y de denegacià ³n de la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. La bigamia se produce cuando una persona est casada con otras dos al mismo tiempo. Por esta razà ³n conviene pensar bien el casarse en Estados Unidos sin antes divorciarse pensando que las autoridades estadounidenses nunca se van a enterar si hubo o no matrimonio previo en otro paà ­s. En estos casos, muchas veces se enteran por denuncias anà ³nimas que crean problemas migratorios que son difà ­ciles o imposible de resolver, y no es posible pedir un waiver. Adems, hay el agravante de que si hay una condena por bigamia se anulan todos los beneficios migratorios obtenidos a partir del momento en que se produjo la bigamia. Quà © hacer para que el divorcio en EEUU tenga efectos legales en el paà ­s de origen Las personas extranjeras pueden divorciarse en Estados Unidos, sin embargo, eso no quiere decir que ese divorcio es vlido en sus paà ­ses de origen o que produzca efectos legales automticamente. De hecho, existen dos formas completamente diferentes sobre cà ³mo otros  paà ­ses pueden contemplar un divorcio de uno de sus nacionales obtenidos en Estados Unidos. En primer lugar, se encuentran aquellos paà ­ses que no le reconocen ningà ºn valor legal y exigen que sus connacionales se divorcien en el paà ­s de origen, en persona o a travà ©s de un representante legal. Es, por ejemplo, el caso de Mà ©xico Asà ­, si un mexicano se casa en Mà ©xico pero vive  habitualmente en Estados Unidos, debe divorciase en su paà ­s. Si no quiere o no puede viajar a Mà ©xico, puede firmar un poder notarial a favor de un abogado o de una persona de confianza para que le represente en Mà ©xico durante los trmites de divorcio. Para realizar esos trmites puede cerrarse una cita con Mexitel. Tambià ©n existe un grupo de paà ­ses que sà ­ reconocen el valor legal de un divorcio obtenido por sus nacionales en Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, para que produzca efectos legales se exige que se lleve a cabo un trmite adicional para registrar dicho divorcio. Como ejemplo puede citarse el caso de los colombianos, ya que en Colombia se reconoce la validez de un divorcio dictado en Estados Unidos, imponià ©ndose solo la obligacià ³n de realizar lo que se conoce como exequtor ante la Sala Civil de la Corte Suprema. Solo se puede solicitar cuando la sentencia es final y ya no caben apelaciones o peticiones de nulidad. Adems, el requisito del exequtor tambià ©n rige para otros paà ­ses, por ejemplo, Perà º. Otros paà ­ses que tambià ©n optan por reconocer la validez del divorcio que sus connacionales obtienen en Estados Unidos piden diferentes trmites. Por ejemplo, Argentina da la opcià ³n de registrar y dar publicidad al divorcio dictado en Estados Unidos mediante su inscripcià ³n en el Registro Nacional de Estado y Capacidad mediante un procedimiento judicial o uno consular. Debido a que las reglas cambian segà ºn el paà ­s, lo recomendable es que cada migrante consulte con su embajada para determinar cules son los pasos a seguir y antes de proceder a obtener la apostilla de la Haya en el documento de divorcio, informarse sobre si ese trmite es necesario, ya que no es barato. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparison between one selected alternative procurement strategy Essay

Comparison between one selected alternative procurement strategy against the traditional lump sum contract - Essay Example There have been many developments in the field of procurement management over the years. Partnering, Construction Management, Management Contracting , Built-Operate-Transfer / Public Private Partnership, Guaranteed Maximum Price etc are some of the commonly used procurement strategies. With this background, the present essay discusses and compares differences in the procurement of management Contracting and the traditional lump sum contracting. The main tasks of the procurement professional are to assess and choose material suppliers based on accessibility, dependability and cost in order to find the good quality products (or services) at the best feasible value (Marsh, 2000). In an online article-Supply and Demand Chain Executive, October, 2003- the author remarks that "while procurement is a critical business function for virtually every company, senior management often misunderstands it. In general, procurement is usually viewed as a cost center, which can only be marginally improved through the application of information technology" (Smith, 2003). Irrespective of the developments in the field, there are some problems and challenges that many companies still are confronted with in the area of procurement management. ... The failure to establish pricing agreements for certain suppliers; Lack of accessibility to contract information; Inability to perceive the supplier performance and reliability based on contract terms; Comparison between Management Contracting Lump-sum Contracts A lump sum contract refers to a kind of fixed price contract where the buyer comes to a fair deal with the provider (or seller) by agreeing to pay a fixed total amount for a well-defined product (Chen, 2001). In other words, while payment is the common factor between these two contract types, differences prevail in terms of the payment modes that can be fixed or contract-based regarding the former, but have to be fixed when it comes to the latter. Whereas management contracting is an arrangement under which a separate enterprise performs the managerial functions of the principal enterprise in exchange of payment. It involves a wide range of functions including the operational functionalities of the enterprise, production, accounting, marketing, and so on (Procurement practice guide, 2008). It is suitable for fast track projects, complex buildings, and a developing brief. However, it perform less in areas characterized by inexperienced clients, cost certainty before starting construct ion, and clients wanting to pass risk to the contractor. These two types of procurement strategies can be further compared and contrasted in with the major points such as organizational structure, contractual relationships, risk control mechanism, and Suitability criteria and the impacts on the project outcomes. Organizational structure While payment being the common factor between management contract and the traditional lump sum contract, there are several other aspects in which the two can differ as well. In order to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Anecdotal Record Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anecdotal Record - Assignment Example Teacher Anthony walked up to Jane and asked,† What is happening here,† John replied by saying, â€Å"It is Jane who is bullying me around† Jane further stated, â€Å"Why doesn’t he take his problems to another place.† John further stated â€Å"I have a right to be in this center same as you; therefore I do not see a reason why I should not participate in the activity of my choice.† There was context in Jenifer’s dance as he was responding to the emotions she was feeling about her father’s death. Children are mostly attached to their parents while they are young and while they pass on, they are affected psychologically (Thomas, 2009). Jennifer is expressing her sadness because of her father’s death. It has been established that â€Å"one of the purposes of working with young children is to help them develop their social and emotional issues. When children are involved in independent activities the things they do are reflected in their actions.† By so doing, the teacher manages to establish issues affecting the child, which are then, take care of through counselling as in the case of Jennifer. There was context in Jane’s behavior when he dragged John of the stage. â€Å"In most case the behavior that is seen in children is a replica of what they are going through in their lives.† For example, Jane’s action reflect lack of attention at home from the parents and, therefore, taking out the anger on another student (Frydenberg, Deans & OBrien, 2011). Jane was expressing anger towards John because of the way her parent treats her at home. â€Å"The most significant thing while attending to children is to understand the underlying problem before reprimanding them to understand their social and emotional; problems. By so doing, such issues may be addressed woven if it means calling in the parents to discuss how to help the child.† Frydenberg, E., Deans, J., & OBrien, K. (2011). Developing

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Kenneth Nierman Essay Example for Free

Kenneth Nierman Essay Kenneth A. Nierman (born 1954)(1)(2) is Founder and President of the Center for Bankruptcy Planning, and Principal of Adversity Financial Planners. His work to pioneer Financial Planning for Bankruptcy, is unparalleled. Mr. Nierman has been honored for his innovative work in advancing educational and entertaining economic concepts. One of his first economic papers was a discussion of a coming â€Å"Great Leveling† of the world economies. His first theorem on this discussion was available in 1987(doc). The Great Leveling was among the earliest neo-economic discussions about the effect s of improved technology in communication, creating a near-perfect, almost instantaneous, flow of information. It was a major factor in the breakup of the Soviet Union, and the early awareness of dictator oppression of their citizens. His theorem expressed that as information flow became instantaneous, that economies of third world countries would benefit tremendously at the permanent and unrecoverable loss of the economic world powers. This would not mean that third world economies would become equally as rich as the world leaders it would simply mean that the incremental increase in the existing standard of living would seem exponential and people in those countries would feel substantially wealthier. It would also mean that the great world economic powers would experience a loss of current standards of living. A decrease so much so that the people in those countries would experience economic and emotional pain beyond anything they had previously experienced. The Great Leveling would create a permanent shift in a majority of the world economies. World economic leaders would experience subtle or sharp, extended or immediate, decreases in citizen standards of living. The economic pain experienced would be permanent and would take years for the citizens to realize the new normal of a decreased lifestyle. Simple or drastic decreases in personal and household cash flow would have compounding effects throughout the economy of the country. His undocumented, yet historically discussed economic theorems include: The Great Leveling, The Baby-boom Retirement Myth, and Creative Destruction within the Entrepreneur World. Early life and education Nierman was born in Eastern Colorado in a small but innovative farming community of hard-working farmers and entrepreneurs (world renowned golf course footnote goes here). Family history. Parents were Alvin Kenneth Nierman and Teresa Marie (Natter) Nierman. Father died. Mother died. Sisters, Marilyn Irene Nierman (b.1949-), Alyce Dianne Nierman (b.1951-). Wife, Stacia(Stacy) Jo Nierman (Coven)(b.1956-). Married to Stacy, 19 January 1980 at King of Glory Lutheran Church, Arvada, Colorado. Formal Education. Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins, Colorado and Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU), Portales, New Mexico. History in Business. After graduating from CSU, married to Stacy, moved to Lakewood, Colorado. First job was as a stockbroker with OTC Net, Denver, Colorado. OTC Net specialized in underwriting venture capital developmental stage publicly held companies. After the closure of OTC Net in 1982, he went to work with E.F. Hutton in Fort Collins, Colorado. He worked with E.F. Hutton until 1984 and moved to Shearson Lehman Brothers in Denver, Colorado. In 1986, he moved to PAMCO Securities, a new firm offering financial services through local and regional savings and loans, and commercial banks.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

And Then There Were None :: essays research papers

And Then There Were None I did my book critique on And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie was born on September 5, 1890, in Torquay England. In 1914 she married Colonel Archibald Christie. They had one daughter, whose name was Rosalind, and then they divorced in 1928. She started writing in 1920, and her first book published was The Mysterious Affair at Styles. She wrote And Then There Were None in 1939. Agatha Christie has become one of the most famous writer of mystery novels. And Then There Were None is a murder mystery type book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And Then There Were None takes place on an island in the middle of the ocean, but it doesn’t say the years it takes place in.In And Then There Were None, eight people who do not know each other were all invited to an island off of the English coast. The eight people are Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, William Blore, Dr. Armstrong, Emily Brent, General Macarthur, Tony Marston, and Judge Wargrave. They all think they are going to the island for different reasons. When they arrive at the island they are greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, but the host is Mr. Owens (but he isn’t there). After they eat dinner they go into a different room and a recorded voice accuses each of them committing a murder that was never uncovered. Later that night Tony Martson dies from poisoned whiskey. The next morning Mrs. Rogers died in her sleep. That day General Macarthur goes out to the ocean and is killed there. After General Macarthur dies each of the guests think that the killer is one of each of them. The next day, Mr. Rogers is killed while chopping wood while preparing for breakfast. On the dining room table there were ten Indian figures, but after a person is killed one disappears each time. After breakfast Emily Brent is killed because someone injected poison into her neck. Later Judge Wargrave was found with a shot in his head. The next day when Blore is walking back to the house someone pushes a statue out of the second story, and it lands on Blore, killing him. When Vera and Lombard go looking for Blore, they find Armstrong’s drowned body on the beach. Since only Vera and Lombard are left, Vera thinks Lombard is the killer, and takes his gun and shoots him.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Penelope, the Odyssey

Penelope, Loyal Wife of Lord Odysseus While Penelope is not the principal character in Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus’ perception of her is optimal. The relationship between them is not based on loyalty, we, the audience, have the privilege to understand his genuine feelings towards her. Throughout Odysseus’ journey, Homer assures us that he loves Penelope regardless of the fact that he has his episodes of infidelity. Homer also insinuates that Odysseus, although maybe not immediately, acknowledges the sacrifices that she makes for him.He also elaborates that Penelope is dedicated to Odysseus by constantly reminding us of how she refuses to give up on her marriage and settle with one of the many suitors that plague her estate. Penelope proved herself to be a strong individual in The Odyssey. For years during Odysseus’ absence from his kingdom, unable to return home, there were men who contended against one another hoping that they would be able to take Odys seus’ place on his throne.However, Penelope continued to wait for her husband to come home regardless of how unlikely it was that Odysseus would reclaim his title of king, all while allowing the possible replacements to believe that they have a chance as Antinous describes to Odysseus and Penelope’s only son: â€Å"So high and mighty, Telemachus—such unbridled rage! Well now, fling your accusations at us? Think to pin the blame on us? You think again. It’s not the suitors here who deserve the blame, it’s your own dear mother, the matchless queen of cunning.Look here. For three years now, getting on to four, she’s played it fast and loose with all our hearts, building each man’s hopes– dangling promises, dropping hints to each– but all the while with something else in mind. (Book 2:90-100) This suggests that women of the society in Ancient Greece would be devoted and dependent on their husbands, but were also given optio ns to pave their own paths. If tragedy were to strike, women would be able to do what they wanted to, in terms of choosing a new husband.Throughout the epic poem, Penelope can be viewed as either active or passive—active, in the sense that she is content with being independent and not allowing the suitors to sway her mind towards choosing them, and passive, because she allows the same suitors to eat away at her possessions and also that she remains submissive as a loyal wife. However, the only constant that is guaranteed is that she does love and is loyal to Odysseus, as she reveals to a stranger, oblivious to the fact that it is her husband, in fact, in disguise: â€Å"No, no, stranger,† wise Penelope demurred, â€Å"whatever form and feature I Had, what praise I’d won, he deathless gods destroyed that day the Achaeans sailed away to Troy, my husband in their ships, Odysseus—if he could return to tend my life the renown I had would only grow in glory. N ow my life is torment . . . look at the griefs some god has loosed against me! All the nobles who rule the islands round about, Dulichion, Same, and wooded Zacynthus too, and all who lord it in sunny Ithaca itself– they court me against my will, they lay waste my house. So I pay no heed to strangers, suppliants at my door, not even heralds out on their public errands here– I yearn for Odysseus, always, my heart pines away. Book 19:138-51) It was also made clear to the suitors, even though they were being led on, that they understood that Penelope had no interest in substituting Odysseus, as explained by one of the murdered suitors: â€Å"Famous Atrides! † Amphimedon’s ghost called back. â€Å"Lord of men, Agamemnon, I remember it all, your majesty, as you say, and I will tell you, start to finish now, the story of our death, the brutal end contrived to take us off. We were courting the wife of Odysseus, gone so long. She neither spurned nor embraced a ma rriage she despised, no, she simply planned our death, our black doom!This was her latest masterpiece of guile: she set up a great loom in the royal halls and she began to wave, and the weaving finespun, the yarns endless, and she would lead us on: ‘Young men, my suitors, now that King Odysseus is no more, go slowly, keen as you are to marry me, until I can finish off this web . . . so my weaving won’t all fray and come to nothing. This is a shroud for old lord Laertes, for that day when the deadly fate that lays us out at last will take him down. I dread the shame my countrywomen would heap upon me, yes, if a man of such wealth should lie in state without a shroud for cover. Her very words, and despite our pride and passion we believed her. So by day she’d weave at her great and growing web– by night, by the light of torches set beside her, she would unravel all she’d done. Three whole years she deceived us blind, seduced us with this scheme . . . (Book 24:130-57) While Penelope can be deemed mischievous by those whom she had deceived, the result was that she was truly faithful to her husband, despite the amount of time she had to wait for him and aside from his lack of fidelity towards her. Works Cited Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York, 1996

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Response to Beauty and the Beast

In every culture and throughout every generation the presence of fairytales and folklore has been evident, because just as each culture has its own morals and manners, so does every culture need its own fairytales to represent what is important to those people at that time in that place.While there are many fairytales told to children around the world every year, there are none so famous as Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont, a story in which a young maiden who is kind-hearted and loving to her father learns to love and appreciate a Beast, looking beyond his appearance to his soul.This fairytale represents a great deal of the important morals and values that are important to every generation, especially during the time it was written. The basic belief in goodness, faithfulness to one’s family, and the ability to love someone for who there are and not what they are becomes the themes of this fairytale, and the interpretation of its meaning becomes apparen t through analyzation of the characters and their actions. Fairytales can tell us a great deal about the time and place in which it was developed.Beauty and the Beast was written in 1756 by a French writer living in England and was based upon a folktale that was well-known at the time. The author wrote it to be included in a book for use by governesses when teaching their young female scholars â€Å"of quality†, and therefore by analyzing it the audience can learn about the types of lessons that would have been taught to young girls. All of the major characteristics expected of young women are embodied by the character of Beauty: selflessness, studiousness, a love of reading, hard-working, and devoted to her father and family.Young girls would have been able to look up to a character like Beauty, and society would have encouraged girls to be like her. The main character, after all, is faithful to God, obedient to her father, and compassionate to her family despite the fact he r sister’s are selfish and jealous. She works hard even when her father loses their fortune and she is forced to run a household without luxury. The story also stresses the importance of keeping one’s promises.In the one instance where Beauty does not keep her promise to return to the Beast in one week she is overcome with guilt and runs back to him, to find that he is nearly dead because of loneliness for her. When she does the right thing and keeps her word, she is rewarded with the Beast becoming a prince who gives her his kingdom. During a time and in a place where a girl’s formal education was more geared towards rearing them to be good daughters, wives, and mothers than scholars, these traits would have resonated with the girls who were looking for heroes to mirror themselves after.Like any good fairytale, Beauty and the Beast involves romance. Each generation loves romance and loves the thought of falling in love and of a young woman meeting her prince. I n this particular fairy tale, that is slightly different because the love interest isn’t a handsome prince at first, but a Beast. At first the Beast appears to be kind: caring for he father when he ends up stranded at the castle, leaving him food, and providing a place for his horse to stay. Yet, when the father picks a rose for his daughter Beauty we see the angry, frightening side of the Beast.With Beauty, however, we only see the caring side during their long conversation every night at 9 o’clock, when he would join her for a meal. Beauty describes him as being â€Å"kind and good, and that is sufficient†. Every night he would ask her to marry him, having fallen completely in love with her for her beauty and her kindness of heart. When Beauty decides to marry him for his goodness and is able to overlook his appearance and his lack of sense, Beast turns into a handsome prince and Beauty is given a kingdom to rule next to him.This romantic aspect of the story h as drawn in many fans, but it also conveys an important message to those who read it and use it as a moral allegory. The story is meant to show that it is not what is on the outside that counts, but what is on the inside. This theme is one of the oldest and most cliched, but it is a lesson that was thought to be important to young people hundreds of years ago, as well as today. Literature from this period and of this type is known for its symbolism and this demands interpretation to understand how it all fits together.The first object that requires a deeper look is the rose, which becomes the thing that creates the entire storyline. When Beauty’s father leaves and he asks his daughter what she wants him to bring back, she asks simply for a rose. When her father takes the rose from the Beast’s garden he is confronted by the Beast, who says that he loves his roses more dearly than anything, and that in payment he demands either the father’s life or one of his daug hters.Of course, Beauty submits herself to whatever fate she will have at the Beast’s hands, but what is interesting about the rose is that she becomes, in a way, the Beast’s most prized possession, much like the rose itself. At the end of the fairytale the two greedy sisters are turned into statues by the fairy, who says they will remain that way until they repent of their wrongs and so they can always see Beauty’s joy.The morals of the time would have taught young women to not be selfish, and that being that way would turn them into bitter old women, just as the sisters are turned into statues. The fairytale of Beauty and the Beast is one that is widely known and loved. Movies, books, and cartoons have all been made based on it, and in terms of literature, it holds up as a story that is beautiful and that would have been used to teach morals and values to generations of young women.While times change and the definition of womanhood changes with it, the values taught within Beauty and the Beast are not all to be disregarded. The idea that we can fall in love with someone for who they are and not how they look is one that still resonates, and the ability to be the best we can be and do what is right is also a value that everyone should embody. This story was meant as a moral allegory to young women and children, and today it still stands up as a fairytale to be told through the ages.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Microsoft and the Government essays

Microsoft and the Government essays On May 30, 1990, the Federal Trade Commission opened up an antitrust investigation on the Microsoft Corporation on charges that the companys pricing policy pertaining to their Windows Operation System illegally thwarted competition and that there was hidden code in their operation system that hindered competitive applications to run. Microsoft continues to battle this attempt by the government to regulate to this day. The leading software company in the world provides the software for nearly half of the worlds websites. The government claim is that the software company continues to practice anti-competitive policies pertaining to the software licensing, thus a violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Microsoft simply defends that their practices are all legal and that they are merely trying to innovate their products. Much has been said that if Microsoft controls the majority of the worlds network software, then they are potential controllers of global commerce and content on th e Internet. A deep analysis will be done on the idea that is Microsoft Corporation a good monopoly or bad monopoly. The Microsoft Corporation is the current leader in software licensing not only in the United States, but also globally. Their chief product is their operation system, Windows. But the majority of the accused anti-trust violations come from their actions to control the Internet browser market. On January 22, 2002, AOL Time Warner, Incorporated filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft, accusing the software giant of using illegal practices to remove Netscape Communication Corporation from atop the Internet browser market. According to a recent study by Netcraft, Microsoft controls 49.2% of the actual hardware behind the worlds websites; coming in a distant second-place is Linux controlling 28.5% of the market (Client Server News). Although, one can argue that Microsoft is not a monopoly and does indeed have com...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Interview Nailing Your Digital Book Launch

Interview Nailing Your Digital Book Launch How To Nail Your Digital Book Launch: An interview with Mike Belsito When we chat with authors about their book launch, the same things often come up: a signing in a book store, a few giveaways to reviewers/journalists and an email to the mailing list. Authors rarely think about leveraging â€Å"existing platforms† to put their book in front of thousands of online readers; they’re often too shy to reach out to influencers, or are unsure about how to do it.So we decided to interview an author who decided to go for another approach. Mike Belsito carefully planned his book launch and had his book, â€Å"Startup Seed Funding for the Rest of Us†, rise to the top of Product Hunt and Amazon.He got some of the most influential people in his genre to spread the word about his launch - he didn’t know them personally before - and built a solid street team while writing the book that helped him take advantage of Amazon’s algorithms!Watch the video for a good dose of positive energy and startup creativity, or read some of the b est parts below. But more importantly, tell us about your own experience in the comments!What is the â€Å"product launch† mentality? How can it apply to books?â€Å"Well this is the first time that I’ve written a book. It has been a really interesting process, because I’ve launched several products before, but I’ve never written and launched a book. So I went about the process thinking really as if it was a product.Even in the beginning as I was writing it, I was constantly thinking: â€Å"how am I going to get the word out; how am I going to actually launch this?†. Fast-forwarding all the way to the end, the book launch was pretty successful, even though I was completely on my own (I’m an â€Å"indie author†). The book made it all the way to the top of Product Hunt, was featured on Inc Magazine and on Huffington Post. At one point, it was the #1 best selling startup book on, which was pretty amazing!†How did you go about creating an â€Å"insider group†?â€Å"There are a few things I did that I think ultimately really helped me. One of them was opening up the process to anybody who wanted to be part of it. I did this early on because writing this was awesome but it was also a lonely experience in that I was writing the book by myself.So I decided to create an â€Å"insider group†, for anybody who’d want to have an inside view of the process. They could literally have access to the Word file, and I’d bounce questions off the members of this group. That was incredibly helpful because it allowed me to get feedback throughout the whole writing process. It’s just like having a beta group for a product that you’re building.The good thing about this group is that when the time came to actually get the book out there, I already had a group of committed people who were all happy to spread the word!How did you communicate with this â€Å"insider group† vs other fans?I was keeping two separate lists: my insider group list, and a list of people who were interested in the book when it came out and who I signed on through my blog. Because I realized that not everybody wants to be involved in the creation process, some people just wanted to see the finished product. And I knew that there would be because in the product world, it’s the exact same thing: there’s a difference between early evangelists, early adopters and late adopters.Now the book is out there, these two lists are kind of one and the same, but should I write another book now, I’ll definitely be going back to that insider group to see if they want to sign up for the same experience.But how can this work in fiction?There’s this fiction author who I’ve met, Rebecca Howard, and she writes paranormal novels - basically ghost stories. She has the same sort of process, and it works for her because people who are generally interested in the para normal genre are often attracted to that part of the process too.She also uses a very similar process as I do to launch her books: she networks a lot with what I would call â€Å"influencers† in her genre. So maybe it works particularly well in non-fiction, but I think it can work in fiction as well.How do you actually get these â€Å"influencers† to promote your work?Well I once had a startup called eFuneral and we raised some startup capital. So I had some loose connections with some startup investors (VCs, angels, etc.), but very few would be considered â€Å"household names†. However, as I was starting to write this book - just like I had this group of beta readers - I sort of force-created another beta group of influencers.These people, whether they wanted to be or not, were in my influencer list. But I didn’t treat it like a list, I didn’t send mass emails or stuff like that. I only sent personal emails every now and then to these folks askin g for feedback: ‘Hey, I’m writing this book, it’s on a topic I’m really passionate about because of my background and I’d really love your feedback’.Throughout, some of these people did respond, and were supportive - even if just through some general encouragement. Of course, a lot of others wouldn’t even respond, but my hope was that by the time the book actually came out, some of them might be able to spread the word. This is no different to when I was raising capital and talking to angel investors and venture capitalists. Investors don’t like to invest in companies that they’ve just heard of for the first time ever. Usually, they like to meet you early on and then follow your progress. So that’s how I was trying to treat the book.About 3-4 weeks before the book launch, I sent all of them a draft of the book so they could have early access to it. And once the book was live on Amazon, I sent another email to each of them saying â€Å"hey, I don’t know if you’ve had the chance to read the book, but if so,   I would love an honest review from you and it’d be amazing if you could help me spread the word about the launch.† I made it easy for them to do that, using to just create a link that they could click to get a pre-made tweet.Sure enough, on the morning of the book launch, there were 3 or 4 major influencers who either tweeted about the book or retweeted one of my posts! These were people like Brad Feld, Mark Suster and Steve Case. They absolutely helped me move the needle.How did you keep this great momentum after your book launch?That’s really what I’m focusing on right now, and trying to see if there are things I could be doing differently. I’ve been grateful to be asked to go on all sorts of podcasts. I don’t know if that will move the needle or not, but I’ll continue to do it because I love doing it.I think a book tour could be interesting. In my case, I think I wouldn’t do a traditional book tour, but rather a series of Meetups. I could definitely see myself doing a series of Meetups in different cities on ‘raising startup seed capital’. I’d want to keep it very organic. Startup events and speaking opportunities are another thing I’ll look for.In terms of other ways, I have been asked to write for other publications (like, so that’s exciting. But I also try to think about this in different ways too: ‘what can I do that’s completely different and hasn’t been done before’?It’s really the point that I’m at, so what I’m going to do is I’m going to try out a bunch of things and I’ll let you know in a couple of months what has worked and what has not!Follow Mike and Reedsy on Twitter:  @belsito  and  @ReedsyHQHave you developed a core reading group like Mike’s â€Å"insider group†? Does it help you launch your books? Have you tried reaching out to influencers in your genre? Share your thoughts, or any question for Mike, in the comments below!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Law Final Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law Final Case Study - Essay Example In addition to this view, in a case where the defamation involves a very public person and or is a matter of public concern, the plaintiff, as the complainant in the case, has to provide or give proof in the court of law that the claims or comments made by the defendant are false, and also that the defendant has either known of the truth of the claim and has simply acted recklessly and disregarded the truth out of pure malice towards the complainant or plaintiff. The statements that Knarles has made to his friends and colleagues are by all means just personal opinions, rather than facts; they are far from facts. If this is the case, then by all means, there is no case of defamation at all (Defamation. Ewell v. Boutwell, 1924). If Knarles was not simply stating his opinions about the person – the plaintiff who is Ian Chetum, then in that case his statements and comments could be considered as defamatory in nature. This is because in as much as his statements and comments could have been simple, fair comments to an issue that is of public interest and concern, Knarles had no proof of any kind that his statements were or are the truth. Therefore, as such, Knarles’ statements were made in high disregard of what is the truth, and this is utter recklessness. Consequently, Knarles can be sued for defamation by Ian Chetum. Chetum v. Stucko The next legal issue arises between Ian Chetum and Stucko. The legal issue at hand is still defamation. Just as, stated above, a case of defamation has to be backed by proof that a false statement of a fact has been made about the complainant, and have been made by a third party and caused damage to be liable in court (Defamation. Ewell v. Boutwell, 1924). The statements made by Stucko are obviously factual. If we assume that he made the statements with knowledge that he was falsifying them or blatantly disregarding the truth, then in that case he would be very liable to be charged for defamation. Nonetheless, the truth is often used as a defense for defamation claim – therefore, if the claims and statements are the truth, then Stucko has no case to answer on the grounds of defamation. The Residents v. Chetum This is the next case that the business conflict has brought up. The legal issue at hand is that of Battery. The rule of common law on Battery is that it is the intentional and or offensive act of touching of a third party without their privilege or consent to any way (Battery. Cavuoto v. Buchanan, 2004). When the building owner Ian Chetum tells the plumber from Knarles and Barkley’s company to ‘fix it’, – when referring to the broken boiler, and at the same time knowing that the broken boiler is highly defective, and the manufacturer had recalled their product, Ian Chetum, as the owner of the building is intentionally engaging in a harmful ‘touching’ of all of the residents of his building

Friday, November 1, 2019

Self-awareness and career management (1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self-awareness and career management (1) - Essay Example The willingness of workers to move from one place to another in order to get hold on better work is generally called job mobility (Griffeth & Hom, 2004). The factors that trigger this notion by indulging employees are collectively known as job embeddedness (OECD, 2001). The concept of job embeddedness is hired to ensure the job stability by forecasting a banker’s potential to quit (Allen, 2006). The concept of job embeddedness was presented by Mitchell and his colleagues in 2001 in order to explicate why some employees want to leave their job whilst others do not. For them there are certain factors such as association with the community, cost of quitting the job, etc. that do not let them leave the job. Empirical studies show that embeddedness is all about encouraging higher performance ergo retaining employees by embedding their co-workers (Liao, 2010). Mitchell and his colleagues identified three factors: links, fit, and sacrifice. Links means the connection between people a nd activities whilst fits refer to how well the job and its communities fit with other aspects of peoples’ lives. And the last element is sacrifice which refers to whatever the person loses once he quits his job. (Shultz et al, 2007) One has to recognize the role of job satisfaction in the decision making process for a person. For them if a person is satisfied with the job, he will not think of quitting but the likelihood of quitting becomes higher in the case of dissatisfaction (Shultz, 2007). Job Mobility Many researchers imply the study of job mobility for the analysis of the labourers’ behaviours against different job offers (Rooney & Hepworth, 2009). No worker is said to be able to get a job best suited to his demands and capabilities in the first phase of his job career (EUROPA, 2008). This leads the workers to be always in search of such firms which value their skills more than their present employers (Liao, Martocchio & Joshi, 2010). Thus, there can be three ma in types of job mobility: employment mobility, job-to-job mobility, and occupational mobility; and some of the factors that affect it are: job tenure, rate of bonuses and chances of growth (Winget, 2007). The rate of job mobility varies from one country to another depending upon the respective economic conditions as well as the demands of the workers. The data published by Eurobarometer (2005) on the job mobility rate is displayed underneath. The researchers believe that the tendency of job mobility is greater in the lower-wage jobs than highly paid ones (Delfgaauw, 2006, p.78; OECD, 1999). Farber (1999) has studied the job-changes by employing the data from the Current Population Survey and found out that the job tenure is one of the key determinants to job changes. The greater the job tenure is the lesser will be the chances of job mobility. This study also reveals that the wages offered by the firms also vary with the job experience in the respective firm (Madrian, 1993). The sam e rule applies to the banking sector where big bankers move to the job with high salary or bonuses offerings. The fact is testified by a bulletin of the ‘Evening Standard’ 2004, (a UK newspaper), according to which a group of senior bankers had quit the ‘Fox-Pitt, Kelton’ (an investment bank of UK) in order to join the rival company of Citigroup. In addition to this, fourteen analysts and traders had quit the â€Å"